eCentral8 is accompanied by eGIS8 (Generic Interface System), which is a full solution that enables two way integration of eTechLog8 data with other airline systems.
In order to aid third party system integration, the eTechLog8 product utilises Spec 2000 Chapter 17 for all database table and field formats.
The system uses RESTful webservices or File Transfer as supported by the 3rd party software.
Data from eTechLog8 is usually automatically audited before flowing seamlessly into third party systems. However, flight auditing can be set up, so pilot entered data is checked against data from a trusted source (eg. ACARS). If it is outside of a tolerance, it is flagged for a manual audit, preventing bad data entering MRO/CAMO systems, where it becomes difficult and time consuming to correct.
Current examples of integration with other commercially available airline systems include: